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Our Call & Connect Ministry: Doers at our best! 

Life is strange these days. It’s lonely and stressed and leading us into an unknown wilderness, and yet, our suddenly empty calendar of “must do’s” has also created space for a pause in time. With that unexpected gift, so many of us have discovered a new appreciation of family, simple tasks, the beauty of intricate birdsong, and the creative trying out of previously unknown skills. 

The internet has become a friend, and as we’ve reached out to talk to family and friends, 

the humble telephone has also regained its earlier importance in our lives. 

Just hearing a caring voice has worked wonders to deepen our human connections. 

Here at St. James’s, our Vestry realized early on we needed these same human touches so we could relay… 

Are you ok? 

Do you need anything from us? 

We have some news to share.

We care!

….and so our Call & Connect Ministry was born last spring.  We discovered then that those buildings are important, it’s the connections and care that truly us. We discovered that We are the Church.

We need your help to make about 7-10 phone calls to church friends. Unlimited number of callers needed, signup now!

Call & Connect

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