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gardener in the dirt

Gardening with God

by Fontaine Williamson, Stewards of the Earth Committee

The earth is the Lord’s, and all that is in it.” Psalm 24:1

I love to dig in the dirt! “Playing” in the dirt draws me closer to God.

We live in the city, with sidewalks, tree wells and a small hill from our front porch down to the sidewalk. We have terraced this hill into three levels with landscaping timbers. Plants, rocks, sea shells and pea gravel make attractive designs in the space. Often neighbor children come by and rearrange the shells and rocks to make interesting new designs. Some neighbors have left seashells to add to our collection.

We also decorate the tree wells with seasonal flowers, horsetail reeds, (which resemble bamboo), green plants and more rocks. Did I say I love rocks?
Living in the city affords us frequent contact with our neighbors and folks walking their dogs or passing by on their way to the VMFA or Carytown.

Often when I am out front planting, weeding or sweeping, someone will pass by and tell me how pretty it looks. This seems to contribute a moment of pleasure to them. I see this as a small ministry in my neighborhood, helping others to slow down and notice something about God’s creation. It benefits them as well as me, as I get some exercise and create beauty from God’s dirt, plants, flowers, rocks and seashells.

I also plant a small vegetable garden in my backyard in the spring. I am able to share organic vegetables with friends and neighbors, as well as enjoying picking and eating them right away!
These are small ways that I share my love of God’s creation as a ministry to others.

What might you do in your little corner of the world to spread God’s love and bounty?

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